Verbal Agreement in Court of Law

Verbal Agreements in Court of Law: What You Need to Know

In a court of law, contracts and agreements are usually expected to be in writing to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes. However, a verbal agreement can still be legally binding under certain circumstances.

What is a verbal agreement?

A verbal agreement, also known as an oral contract, is a spoken agreement between two or more parties. It can be as simple as agreeing to meet for lunch or as complex as a business deal.

Is a verbal agreement legally binding?

Yes, a verbal agreement can be legally binding as long as it meets certain criteria. For example, both parties must have agreed to the same terms and must have intended to be bound by the agreement. Additionally, there must be consideration, which means that each party must have received something of value from the other.

However, proving the existence and terms of a verbal agreement in court can be challenging. Without a written contract, there may be no clear evidence of what was agreed upon, which can lead to conflicting testimonies and a lack of tangible evidence.

How to enforce a verbal agreement in court?

To enforce a verbal agreement in court, you will need to present evidence to support your claim. This can include witness statements, emails or other correspondence, and any other documentation that can support your case.

It is also essential to consult an attorney with experience in contract law to ensure that your case is strong enough to hold up in court. Depending on the complexity of the agreement and the specific circumstances of the case, your attorney may recommend mediation or arbitration as an alternative to litigation.


While it is generally advisable to have a written contract to avoid misunderstandings and disputes, a verbal agreement can still be legally binding. However, the burden of proving the existence and terms of the agreement falls on the parties involved, and it may be difficult to enforce without clear and convincing evidence. Therefore, it is always important to seek legal advice and support when entering into any contractual arrangement, whether verbal or written.
