Canvas Service Level Agreement

Canvas Service Level Agreement: Ensuring Quality Service for Your Learning Platform

Canvas is a widely-used learning management system (LMS) that is popular among teachers, students, and institutions. This cloud-based platform has revolutionized the way learning is delivered, making it more accessible, interactive, and engaging. However, just like any other technology, Canvas is not immune to issues, downtime, and service disruptions. That is why having a Canvas service level agreement (SLA) can help ensure that you are getting the quality service you need to support your educational goals.

What is a Canvas Service Level Agreement?

A Canvas SLA is a formal agreement between the LMS provider (Instructure, Inc.) and the institution that outlines the terms, conditions, and expectations of the service. It specifies the level of support, availability, performance, and response time that Instructure will deliver to the institution. The SLA also defines the metrics and measurements used to monitor and ensure compliance with the agreed-upon service levels.

Why Do You Need a Canvas Service Level Agreement?

Having a Canvas SLA is important for several reasons, including:

1. Ensuring Quality Service: By having an SLA, you can establish a clear understanding of what you expect from Instructure in terms of service quality, uptime, and support. This helps prevent misunderstandings, miscommunications, and unfulfilled expectations.

2. Minimizing Downtime: A Canvas SLA can help reduce the risk of service disruptions, downtime, and outages by defining the minimum uptime and availability requirements. Instructure must meet these requirements and provide a clear escalation process if they fail to do so.

3. Enhancing User Experience: When you have a reliable and stable LMS, you can deliver a better learning experience to your students and faculty. A Canvas SLA can help ensure that the platform is performing as expected and that any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

4. Managing Costs: A Canvas SLA can help you manage your budget and costs by providing predictable pricing and avoiding unexpected expenses related to service downtime or poor performance.

What are the Key Elements of a Canvas Service Level Agreement?

A Canvas SLA typically includes the following key elements:

1. Service Description: This section describes the Canvas service being provided, including the scope, features, and functions.

2. Service Levels: This section outlines the minimum service levels that Instructure will deliver, including uptime, availability, response time, and support.

3. Performance Metrics: This section defines the specific metrics and measurements used to monitor and evaluate the service levels, such as system availability, response time, and incident resolution time.

4. Escalation Procedures: This section outlines the process for escalating service issues and incidents, including the contact information for support personnel and the response time.

5. Service Credits: This section specifies the service credits that Instructure will provide if they fail to meet the agreed service levels.

6. Termination and Renewal: This section defines the terms and conditions for terminating or renewing the SLA.


A Canvas service level agreement is an essential tool for ensuring that your institution is getting the quality service it needs to support its teaching and learning goals. By defining the expectations, metrics, and procedures for service delivery, you can minimize downtime, enhance user experience, and manage costs. If you are using Canvas or any other LMS, consider having an SLA in place to protect your investment and maximize your ROI.
